vendredi 28 octobre 2011

DynamicForm, simple details on which I spent too much time

Pas très compliqué, mais j'ai passé plus de temps que j'aurais voulu sur certains détails:

1°) Les FormItem ne peuvent pas être dimensionnés à l'aide de pourcentage du genre setWidth("80%");
Le problème c'est que dans mon source j'avis des endroits ou cela marchait...... Oui mais avec setWidth("100%"). Rien dans le javadoc par contre dans le source:
  public void setWidth(String width) {
  if("100%".equals(width)) width = "*";
  assert width.indexOf("%") == -1 : "FormItems do not support percent sizing.";
  setAttribute("width", width)

2°) J'avais plusieurs RadioGroupItem horizonatux dans un formulaire certains avec des options courtes (Oui, Non ) et d'autres beaucoup plus longues. Ces optons ne se trouvaient donc pas alignées
Seule solution que j'ai trouvée: utilisée une méthode pour mettre toutes les chaines de caractères des options à la même longueur. Par contre on ne peux pas ajouter des espaces il faut mettre des "&nbsp"
for(int i=0;i<(lgReturn-lgSource);i++){
            returnString += "&nbsp";

3°) J'avais besoin de mettre une image dans le formulaire
CanvasItem imageFromTo = new CanvasItem();   
 Img img = new Img();
Au début mon image ne s'affichait pas car j'étais passé par une Canvas intermédiaire et c'est celui ci que j'attribuait au CanvasItem.

    Canvas image = new Canvas();
        Img img = new Img();

4°) TextAreaItem: pour les scrollBar et supprimer la poignée de redimmensionnement il faut passer par les Css.

1°) FormItem cannot be sized using percentage but setWidth("100%") works nothing in the javadoc but in the source .....

2°) Alignment problem of different length option text with  Horizontal RadioGroup, only solution I found was to  concatenate the text with a variable "&nbsp" to get constant length option text.

3°) I need to add an image in the dynamicForm. The first time I use an intermediate Canvs which I set to the CanvasItem. The image didn't show up. Using directly the image is working right.

4°) TextAreaItem: to get the scrollBars and remove the resize handle we need to use css.

ListGrid without datasource

I have several existing RPC services so I don'use actually Datasources.

I have a ListGrid which I want to use to display data coming from one of these services. I wanted also to be able to create, modify and delete  new records.

1 ListGrid + 3 buttons for create, modify and delete + 1 button to validate.
.When the edit is finished I use the validate button to trigger EditComplete event with the method
In the EditCompletHandler :
I detect the creation with event.getOldRecord which in this case is null.
If not null  I'm in the modify case.
To read the values, as the edited values are separated from the listgrid data, we need to use the  event.getNewValues(). So after reading the new value and knowing if I need to create or modify I instanciate the right serializable object and I set its attribute with the new values

A problem arise  to process the delete case, since the new created record can't be selected(even if the selected record is ok), so at the end as I don't know yet how to do it I added a context menu  to avoid erasing the wrong record.

Note(31/10) : I was wrong to think it was ok, I had to  use the Delete column with:

It's the only way I found to delete a new fresh record.

Note(03/11/2011): The problem is: there is noway to be notified when the RemoveICon is clicked and one record deleted. So I think I will ask the user to either discard all the edits or save first and delete after... not really satisfying.... Widget working hand to hand with datasource everything is ok but without databinding there is a lot of work around to find.

listGrid.addEditCompleteHandler(new EditCompleteHandler() {
public void onEditComplete(EditCompleteEvent event) {
  int rangee = event.getRowNum();   
  Record rec = event.getOldRecord();
  if(rec == null){
  Map lesValeurs  = event.getNewValues();               
  String newLibelle = (String) lesValeurs.get("libelle");
  String newcode =(String) lesValeurs.get( "code");
  Date newDebut =(Date) lesValeurs.get( "dateDeDebut");
  Date newFin = (Date) lesValeurs.get( "dateDeFin");

  MyObjectDTO myObject = new MyObjectDTO();

ButtonItem btnAdd = new ButtonItem();
btnAdd.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {

ButtonItem btnModify = new ButtonItem();
btnModify.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
   ListGridRecord currentRecord = listGrid.getSelectedRecord();
   if(currentRecord != null){
      listGrid.startEditing(listGrid.getRecordIndex (currentRecord),1,true);

mercredi 12 octobre 2011

Window / basics

  • Utiliser un header si on a besoin de title, icon, buttons
  • On ajoute des items et non pas des members
  • setAutoSize() pour re-dimmensionner automatiquement
  • setKeepInParentRect() pour empêcher de ne plus pouvoir repositionner la fenêtre lorsque le header n'est plus visible.
  • setDismissOnOutsideClick(true);  pour fermer la fenêtre dès que l'on clicque en dehors
  • setShowMinimizeButton(false); pour ne pas inclure l'icone de réduction (idem pour close et maximize)

  • We need the header if we want title, icon, buttons
  • We don’t add members but items
  • setAutoSize() to resize automatically
  • setKeepInParentRect() to avoid to get the header by which the window is draggable unreachable.
  • setDismissOnOutsideClick(true);  to close the window as soon as we click outside of it.
  • setShowMinimizeButton(false); to remove the minimize icon (same for close and maximize)